ADHD can Make You More Creative and Empathetic.

How to Thrive at Work and in Relationships.

Productivity apps like Notion can enhance focus and improve the quality of your work. These apps allow you to organize tasks, manage time, and track deadlines and responsibilities. Establishing clear routines can reduce stress. Maintain open communication with colleagues and managers. Express your ideas clearly, ask questions, and actively listen.

In relationships, active listening involves understanding what the other person is communicating, both verbally and nonverbally, and responding thoughtfully. Minimize conflicts by setting clear expectations, articulating your needs, and understanding the needs of others. Consider the other person's perspective and find a mutual resolution. Celebrate shared achievements to enhance the relationship and foster a sense of shared success.


“After graduating from university, I landed a great job. But I felt like I wasn't standing out. My sessions with Brad helped me be more proactive at work and understand how to navigate office politics. I was happier at work and because of that, also happier when I was with friends and family.”

Vanessa G.

"All the other ADHD coaching companies felt medical and generic. I started working with Brad who guided me on how to enhance my awareness, and that boosted my confidence.”

Michael R.

ADHD Symptoms

At work

  • Difficulty prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines.

  • Procrastinates.

  • Struggles with maintaining organization.

  • Has trouble maintaining focus on tasks, often resulting in incomplete work.

  • Easily distracted.

  • Finds it challenging to function in highly structured environments or with repetitive tasks.

  • Needs a variety of tasks and stimulation to stay engaged.

In relationships

  • Interrupts or talks excessively, disrupting conversations.

  • Struggles with active listening and remembering key details.

  • Often forgets commitments or special occasions, leading to frustration or hurt feelings.

  • Can appear careless or indifferent due to memory lapses.

  • Reacts impulsively to situations without considering the consequences, leading to conflict.

  • Experiences emotional outbursts or mood swings.

  • Struggles with punctuality.

  • Neglects to engage with or prioritize their partner's needs.